
For kids with food allergies, safety is a teal ribbon priority.


My name is Lilian Deoliveira. I always loved kids and working with them as an Elementary School teacher has been an honor. Seventeen years ago when I married my husband Cristian we couldn’t wait to have our own little ones. We were blessed with Laura (13) and Sophia (12).

With the joy of motherhood, Food allergies were a new and scary world we had to experience as a family. Some allergies were life-threatening and some were mild. We felt lost, discouraged and we shared many tears.

One day I woke up with the idea of writing a book to encourage kids like my daughters with food allergies and to bring awareness to the people around them.

In my first book “ARE YOU NUTS?” Mrs. Vida is the main character. Her name means LIFE in Portuguese since I am originally from Brazil. My prayer is that every boy and girl will be healed and set free from their food allergies as my girls did.

Regardless, I am here to remind them that they are loved and keeping them safe is a priority.


Lilian DeOliveira

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Teal Ribbon


Hello there, 

My name is Laura. I am 13 years old. Some things I like to do in my free time are swimming, reading, and drawing. 

Working as an illustrator with my mom for the “Are you Nuts?” book has been a wonderful experience; I enjoyed using my creative side to help with the illustrations. 

Having food allergies can be challenging and discouraging. At least that’s how I fell so many times. 

If you have food allergies, I will be praying for you the same prayer I prayed over myself and my sister. You got this! I know you can do it!

Hugs from your friend,

Laura Deoliveira

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